Archive | June 2016

The Deadly Nature of Disappointment

Disappointment is unavoidable.

Every one of us will miss out on a promotion, go through heartbreak, lose what we wanted most, or come to a detour in life. Disappointment, however, should never stop you from moving forward. The only time disappointment foreshadows the end of the road is when you let it.

Handling disappointment well is not easy because our emotions will urge us to wallow in despair and complain about why life isn’t fair, but you can train yourself to handle disappointment successfully. Read More…

A Christian’s Response to Terrorism

“But these oppressors know nothing; they are so ignorant! They wander about in darkness, while the whole world is shaken to the core.” Psalm 82:5

Once again, Americans have been shaken by the tragedies that have happened this past weekend, particularly the mass shooting in Orlando. My heart goes out to all who have been affected by this act of terror; may God surround you as you walk through this difficult time.

To those who are mystified and even scared about how to proceed as these random acts of terror seem to go by unhindered, I want to take a few moments to remind you of a few things. Read More…

Perseverance Is Key

“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

Henry Ford’s words have been proven true time and again. Our mind plays a key role in our future success.

So, what are you thinking about your life?