Archive | July 2014

Faith vs. Expectation

Did you know that faith and expectation are not the same thing? I’ve had people say, “Well, if you believe, surely you expect,” but that’s not true. Although they are closely linked, faith and expectation are distinctly different. Read More…

America Must Support Israel

Earlier this week, over 5,000 Christians invaded Washington DC for the ninth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit. This summit hosted by CUFI is an opportunity for Christians to let our government know that we support Israel, and we urge them to do the same. Read More…

“All Things” Means “All Things”

“All things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)

That’s quite a remarkable statement Jesus made. Can you imagine what would happen if we fully believed this and expected it to manifest in our lives? Read More…

The Paths of Our Founding Fathers

A total of 52 of our 55 founding fathers who had a role in producing the Constitution—most of whom also worked on the Bill of Rights—were committed members of either Orthodox or Evangelical Christian churches. Read More…