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The Election Is Done: Now What?

Another election has passed. You’re probably feeling any or all of the following:

  1. Elation that the candidates you wanted were elected to office.
  2. Frustration that other candidates you wanted didn’t make it in.
  3. Relief that you won’t have to watch political ads for a while.
  4. Election? I already forgot about it.

Although it will take a while for political pundits to wade through the implications of the election, many Americans will move on much sooner. Yet, I want to encourage you to continue to stay connected to the political realm. Here’s how: Read More…

The Truth About America’s History

Faith and Politics

One of the greatest influences in the founding of this nation and throughout its history has been the Bible. If you don’t agree, listen to some of these truths historian David Barton shared at Living Word the weekend of October 20–21. Read More…

Faith, Economics, and Foreign Policy

Faith and Politics

One single matter perhaps most negatively endangers our economy right now in America: the national debt.

The national debt has grown to a figure that is almost intellectually incomprehensible. This astronomical debt is not a sin, but it puts us in a very difficult position. Proverbs 22:7 says that “the borrower is servant to the lender.” Not only are we servant to someone other than God, but we are not able to obey Romans 13:8, which says we are to “owe no man anything, but to love one another.” “In debt” is not a good place to be. Read More…

Capitalism vs. Socialism – Pastor Mac Hammond

Faith and Politics

Pastor Mac Hammond explains the two most prevalent paradigms regarding America’s economic future: the socialist economic philosophy and the free enterprise paradigm (capitalism).

Traditional Marriage Matters

Faith and Politics

After God created the heavens and the earth, he created man and woman to share their lives together. It is upon this relationship that our society has been built. Marriage is the first institution. It is the cornerstone of our culture. It has been defined the same way for thousands of years. And today, in America, this principle precept of our society is under attack.

On Election Day Minnesotans will be asked to decide whether or not our state will define marriage as between one man and one woman. We need to and must defend traditional marriage.

Some have argued that conventional marriage is past its time. Others assert that those who defend traditional marriage are bigots. Neither of these positions stands up to scrutiny. Read More…

The Greatest Influencers Should Be Christians

Faith and Politics
“Christians are supposed to be the greatest influencers operating in the world today.”
– Mac Hammond

Faith and the Moral Foundation of America

Faith and Politics

Two pillars of America’s moral foundation are currently under attack: the right to life and the definition of marriage. If we’re going to continue in God’s blessing as a nation, our society cannot tamper with these two things.

Let me quickly address the first one. The most basic inalienable human right granted by God and our constitution is the right to life. When somebody takes another’s life, they have robbed them of the most precious thing of all—the opportunity to experience God’s destiny for them. In addition to that, the Bible makes it clear that life begins at conception. That being said, if you want to vote scripturally, the issue of abortion needs to be taken into high consideration when voting at the polls. Read More…

Faith and Our Political Influence

Christians have a responsibility to put men or women of the Bible in office. That’s not just my words; that’s a statement backed by the Bible and many of our founding fathers including John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He once said:

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

The Judeo-Christian ethic our nation was founded upon is the only thing that has made our democracy work and kept it from being corrupted for as long as it has been.  As John Jay and many other founding fathers knew, the only way to ensure America’s success continues is to be certain we have a government that respects that principle and develops laws accordingly. Read More…